Tatang Guritno and Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – The endless delays at the House of Representatives (DPR) in starting discussions on the Draft Law on the Seizure of Criminal Assets is believed to because of fears that the bill could come back at them and ensnare
Documents containing the term 'Abdul Fickar Hadjar'
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Kompas.com – July 13, 2023

CNN Indonesia – December 6, 2022
Jakarta – Since 2019 the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have often given the impression of rushing to pass the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) into law.

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – December 10, 2019
Jakarta – Agus Widodo, the sole judge in a pretrial suit submitted by six Papua activists charged with treason, has rejected all of the points in the appeal saying that the plaintiff’s appeal was flawed in formal and material terms.

News/West Papua
Tirto.id – December 4, 2019
Adi Briantika – A pretrial hearing in a case of alleged treason by six Papuan political prisoners heard testimony from the plaintiffs on Wednesday December 4. The lawyers for the plaintiffs took the opportunity to present an expert witness.